Message From President

The year 2022 will mark the 40 th anniversary of the Mediation Council of Illinois. Our not-for-profit is one of the oldest mediation organizations in the United States.

The Mediation Council played a major role in gaining acceptance of mediation in Illinois. Today, as the use of mediation has increased, we continue our mission to uphold the core values of mediation.
Our Professional Standards represent the highest ethical and professional standards in the profession, and pre-dated the Model Standards later enacted by the national mediation organizations. Our
members are dedicated to providing a quality process for informed self-determination between disputing parties.

Over the years, our annual conferences have featured some of the founding figures in modern mediation and the leading figures in our profession.

Our 2022 annual conference, “The Art and Science of Online Mediation,” featuring Colin Rule and Dr. Clare Fowler, will provide attendees advanced training and an opportunity to learn the latest
developments in mediation. Colin Rule was one of the first to promote the use of online mediation. Our co-presenter, Dr. Fowler, is a gifted mediator and superb presenter. Our annual conferences draw
mediators from all over Illinois as well as other states and Canada.

Welcome to the Mediation Council of Illinois.

Jerald Kessler, J.D.
President, Mediation Council of Illinois